Let The Autobody Shop Handle Your Appraisal
When you’ve been in an accident, it’s understandable to be shaken up or surprised. After you make sure everyone is okay and contact the police to report the accident, one of the first steps you’ll want to take is to contact your insurance company’s claim department....

My Reliable Collision Story – A true tale from a real Reliable Collision Customer
Many repair shops claim to offer a stress-free repair process, but Reliable Collision takes it to another level. Check out this story from Mike Casale, a satisfied customer who can speak to just how well Reliable Collision takes care of their customers. Mike’s Story...

Why you should use a Class A autobody shop
If you’ve been in an accident and are in need of autobody repair work, it helps to know that your vehicle is in the right hands. After all, not all autobody shops are created equal and there are over 200 shops in RI. So how do you know your vehicle is receiving the...

Everything you Need to Know About Airbags
Airbags: we all see the little signs on the steering wheel, the dashboard, or the doors. Thankfully, airbags are a safety feature we’re never without in modern cars. How much do know about airbags? When an airbag goes off, it can be painful. Any crash that causes your...

Protect Your Car from Parking Lot Accidents
The holidays are over, winter is settling in, and we’re all in hibernation mode… unless we have to be out and about. In which case the last thing you want is a slippery crash in the parking lot! Unfortunately, according to the National Safety Council (NSC), tens of...

Rental Car Insurance
Rental Car Insurance Protects you Better (and Where to Get It) Have you considered skipping that rental car insurance when you’re at the rental counter? Sometimes it triples the price of your rental! Getting coverage through your rental company isn’t your only option,...