by Taylor Rothwell | Jan 20, 2023 | Car Accident, Collision Information, Collision Repair
Being involved in a car accident might make you feel like your world’s turned upside down, but they happen. You may not know exactly what to do, but here’s why you should always be prepared for an emergency. We’ve put together a checklist to help you in...
by Taylor Rothwell | Nov 30, 2022 | Collision Information, Collision Repair, Collision Repair Education
Looking for the right place for repairs after damage has occurred to your vehicle can be a headache. You may notice that many repair shops differ in price and are having trouble comparing. Many questions come up in this process…why are there different costs for the...
by otua | Jul 7, 2017 | Collision Repair
Hopefully, repairing your car beyond general maintenance isn’t something you have to do too often, if at all. Car accidents can be serious, dangerous, and expensive. But, if you do have to repair your vehicle following a collision, these are three common and false...